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2023-2024 News & Events

P7 Leavers Celebrations

A fabulous day celebrating our P7 Leavers!  In the morning we invited our P7 parents to the premiere of our P7 Leavers Movie! We then tested their knowledge with a parent quiz and our leavers were presented with yearbooks and souvenir books! In the afternoon, P7 then headed down to the beach and had a beach party with ice cream, snacks and a dip in the sea!

Class Trips

Primary 1 – Discovery Point
Primary 2/3 – V & A Museum
Primary 3/4 – Verdant Works
Primary 4/5 – Verdant Works
Primary 5/6 – Dundee Law & Ten Pin
Primary 6/7 – Dundee Science Centre & Ten Pin


P1 Coffee Morning

Summer Beach Schools

Sports Day

This year we had lots of fun with traditional sports day races! 

Health Week

St Cyrus School took part in lots of different activities to celebrate Health Week. We had outdoor sessions with our Active Schools Coordinator, Visits from Therapets, lessons on personal hygiene, food hygiene and the importance of mental and physical wellbeing were taught throughout the school. P5, P6, & P7 as completed first aid training.

Whole School Big Write

To help create a “buzz” for writing at St Cyrus. We took part in a Whole School Big Write based on the appearance of a mysterious suitcase to our school. Each class used this stimulus to inspire their own type of writing.

Primary 7 Residential Trip To Crieff

Our Primary 7 enjoyed a 2 night residential to the Scottish Adventure School in Crieff. The spent time with other Primary 7s in the cluster who will be joining them in classes at Mearns next year! So much fun had by all!

P4/5 Coffee Morning

The class hosted a fantastic coffee morning on Wednesday 24th April in aid of WWF.

Glee Competition

Our choir were fantastic when performing at the Glee Competition in the Beach Ballroom in Aberdeen! Well done to all our performers! You made us so proud!  

P3/4 Coffee Morning

The class hosted a fantastic coffee morning in aid of a Scottish mental health charity.

World Book Day at St Cyrus

We had lots of fun this World Book Day! We were able to take part in a Book Share that was organised and run by our parent council. At the Book Share, every child had the chance to choose and take home a book to read! We were so pleased with our new books. The pupils also took part in a GUESS THE READER Quiz where they had to work out which member of staff from St Cyrus was reading the story. it was really hard because the voice were all disguised! Pupils could also enter our Reading In An Unusual Place Competition too!

Writing Open Afternoon

We invited our parents and carers into school to share how we learn about writing at St Cyrus. We showcased learning in writing from nursery right through to Primary 7 and share some of the resources we use in school to support writing. Thank you to everyone who attended and to our Primary 7s for hosting. Find out more about this from our P7s news report about the event.

Christmas Church Service

St Cyrus School pupils went over to the St Cyrus Church for a short Christmas service. We sang carols and heard a reading by Ruaridh and Sandy in Primary 7.

Christmas Panto Performance 

The boys and girls at St Cyrus School really enjoyed their visit from M&M Theatrical Productions who performed Beauty & the Beast! Thank you to the parent council for supplying ice cream/ ice lollies for the children to enjoy!

Christmas Lunch

An amazing christmas lunch thanks to our fabulous school dinner staff! It was absolutely delicious and enjoyed by pupils and staff alike! We really appreciate all your efforts! Thank you also to our parent council for providing our christmas crackers!

Christmas Parties

Lots of fun at our class christmas parties!

BBC 500 Words Competition Update

Ruaridh in Primary 7 has made it through to the next round of the BBC 500 Words writing competition!!

Christmas Show!

Preparations are well under way for our school Christmas Show! Well done to Ava MacLennan in Primary 7 who created a beautiful design for our programmes.

See our St Cyrus News Special for some highlights!

Christmas Fayre

Our Parent Council did a fantastic job of organising a Christmas Fayre in the Village Hall! The choir had so much fun performing some Christmas Songs there too!

P5/6 Coffee Morning

Primary 5/6 and Mrs Bandeen held a coffee morning in aid of school funds. They ran two competitions throughout the week too – Guess the Sweets in the Jar and Guess the Squishmallow’s Birthday. Congratulations to our winners David Ross & Linda Napier. P5/6 really enjoyed the morning and raised a total of £151.05. Thank you to everyone who came along!

BBC 500 Words Competition

A group of writers from across the school have been working hard with Mrs Abdou to write a short story for the BBC 500 Words Competition. They could write about whatever they wanted so some very interesting and exciting stories were created! We wish them the best of luck as their stories go off to be judged! Well done to everyone involved!

Maths Week Activities 2023

P3/4 Class Trip

Primary 3/4 enjoyed a trip to Dunnottar Castle. This linked to their class topic this term about the Picts.

P6/7 MacMillan Coffee Morning

Primary 6/7 hosted a coffee morning on Thursday 5th October. We were delighted to see everyone who came along and raised £315.17 for Macmillan Cancer Support. The class also organised and ran fundraisers throughout the week with the rest of the school. These included “Guess the Number of Sweets in the Jar” and “Guess the Teddy Bear’s Birthday” stall at break time. 

September Beach Schools

Junior Librarians 

Our New House Captains 

Our New Vice Captains 

Our New Pupil Council Representatives 


A Huge Welcome to Primary 1!

Our P1s have been settling in well with some help from their P7 buddies!